Jaiak eta egun bereziak
Fiestas and special days
Zarautz is a vibrant and bustling town all year round and the atmosphere is wonderful. There are some special days on the calendar too.
San Pelayo, patron saint of Zarautz, is celebrated on the 25th, 26th and 27th June with children's and adult’s drumming groups, giants, cabezudos (carnival figures with oversized heads) and entire groups of friends dressed in colourful shirts.
Semana Grande (the main week of festivities) takes place mid August. Expect regattas, fireworks and concerts.
Early September is the turn of the Euskal Jaiak festivities that run until the main day itself, Euskal Jai Eguna, on September 9th. Both are an expression of local folklore and the locals usually don traditional Basque costume.
Come and celebrate in Zarautz!
Jaiak eta egun bereziak
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Contact us at the Tourist Office
Contact us at the Tourist Office
Kale Nagusia 30. 20800 Zarautz