Txakolinaren txinparta familian
The sparkling experience
- Talai Berri Txakolindegia
“Family txakoli experience"
The cheery character in the comic Tumatxa knows all the secrets of txakoli wine and the vineyards, and they want to share them with you and your family. Take a guided tour of the Talai Berri bodega and learn why the primary sector and its raw materials are so important to us and for the environment. The best is saved for last, when you’ll enjoy a tasting of txakoli and Eusko Label produce on our terrace surrounded by 12 hectares of vineyards. Our younger visitors can enjoy some homemade grape juice.
In July and August, Wednesdays at 11:00.
Bº Talaimendi, 728 (beside Gran Camping Zarautz).
Tel.: (+34) 943 13 27 50
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Contact us at the Tourist Office
Contact us at the Tourist Office
Kale Nagusia 30. 20800 Zarautz